Risk Free - All Inclusive
Video Engagement Platform
$79 per user/month
- Unlimited Video Testimonials
- Unlimited Branded Videos
- Unlimited Video Emails
- Unlimited Story Videos
- Unlimited Video Messages
- Personalized Video Review Page
- Download and Embed Videos Anywhere
- Risk Free. Cancel At Any Time!
- Includes a 14-day FREE Trial
Pricing FAQ
Here are answers to common questions.
How does the free account work?
When you create a free account you have immediate access to the dashboard with the Branded Video Tool, Video Testimonials Tool, Video Email and Case Study Videos.
You can set up your brand and start making great videos.
How long are the videos?
Video Testimonials can be up to 50 seconds in length, Branded Videos, Case Study Videos, and Email Videos can be up to 90 seconds in length.
Do you offer a free trial?
Yes! We offer a free 14-day trial. NO credit card required during the trial. If you want to continue with your current plan you will be prompted to select the monthly subscription of $79
You may cancel at any time.
When will my credit card be charged?
The unlimited subscription monthly plan will be charged the day after your 14 day trial ends, and then every 30 days the recurring charge will show on the card you used to subscribe to.
How do I cancel my account? Is there a penalty?
Canceling you account is easy and the best part is , there is NO penalty!